A great blog post from September 2017 from children’s pastor Chris Montgomery at Emmanuel Faith Community Church. A relevant reminder for our young ones as well as ourselves.
Crabby, whiny, and out-of-sorts, this attitude was completely unlike her.
My youngest daughter, Megan, was usually very even-tempered and affectionate. That day she fussed about what I fixed for breakfast. She cried because the shirt she wanted to wear hadn’t been washed. She even asked to stay home from school.
When I stopped to think what might be causing her to behave so out-of-character, I didn’t have far to look: she had missed her morning “snuggle-time”.
Megan had created this routine from her earliest days, and “snuggle-time” operated within a predictable framework. She’d get up in the morning, eat breakfast, and then be ready to curl up with me or her Dad. She wanted to talk about whatever was on her mind, and to fill up on hugs.
“Snuggle-time” would be repeated right before bedtime. It seemed to help her unwind before she went to sleep. On a particularly rough day I might find Megan nestling up to me at other times. That was her not-so-subtle way of telling me she’d like some extra attention.
I enjoyed these times at least as much as she did, because I loved her cuddles, and her thoughts gave me insight into Megan’s heart. But she needed that closeness. For some reason that day I had felt too busy to sit close and listen, and Megan’s mood reflected it. Her entire day was affected until I realized that it wasn’t worth the cost to her or to me to finish what I was doing. She matters more to me than that.
Sometimes I, too, find myself crabby and whiny and out of sorts, and it’s usually because I’ve neglected to spend enough time with the Lord. However mistaken it is, I tell myself I’m too busy to make the time. The good news is that He’s never too busy for me, and touching base with Him changes my whole attitude. Because He loves me, understands me, and listens to my heart.
God enjoys those “snuggle-times” when I sit with Him, tell Him what’s on my mind, and just enjoy His company. He likes to hear what I’m thinking, and for me to ask His opinion about what is going on. He doesn’t even mind if I do it more than once a day.
He likes it. But I need it!
“Come near to God, and He will come near to you.” James 4:8
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.” Mark 6:31b
“I have stilled and quieted my soul; like a weaned child is my soul within me.” Ps. 131:2
Further reflection:
1. What are the sources of stress in your life?
2. Where are you going to get relief from it?
3. How is going to God with your concerns different than going anywhere else?
Father, You know what makes me tick, what I struggle with, and what stresses me. It is only as I come to You that my soul is stilled and quieted. You alone bring peace to my heart. Thank You that You like those times when I just want to be with You.