Does Calvin Christian School offer scholarships or financial aid?
Calvin Christian does have a tuition assistance program. Tuition assistance is based solely on financial need (as opposed to academic, athletic, or other abilities). With a few exceptions, families must be able to provide at least half of their total tuition obligation. Applications are kept very discreet and require families to provide financial information. Contact the Superintendent, Terry Kok for further information or for the online application, please click HERE. See the Admissions page for more information about tuition and fees.
What are Calvin's safety plans?
Calvin Christian School has adopted an emergency plan suggested by our parent organization Christian Schools International. The plan includes contingencies for nearly every possible safety and emergency situation. Included in the plan is an emergency notification system that enables us to contact every school family, via text, email and voice, within minutes of an emergency. Fire drills and other emergency practice procedures are done regularly. Consultation with community emergency agencies occurs on a regular basis and our plan is reviewed each summer. For more details about Calvin’s emergency plan, click HERE.
Does Calvin have a before and after school care program?
The school offers care for elementary students both before and after school. The care is under the direction of the Elementary School. Morning care begins at 6:30 a.m. and After School Care runs until 6:00 p.m. The After School Care program includes opportunities for children to do homework as well as have playtime.
Calvin Christian also offers an After School Care program for junior high students. If your 6th-8th grade student is not picked up by 3:15, they will be directed to After School Care in room 54 (above the gym). Students are supervised and must be picked up by 6:00 pm. There is an additional charge for these services.
Does Calvin Christian School allow Personal Belief Exemptions for immunizations?
Under SB 277, beginning on January 1, 2016, exemptions based on personal beliefs were no longer an option for the vaccines that are currently required for entry into ANY public OR private child care or school in California.
The only exemption that will be allowed are Medical Exemptions. This includes the possibility of an alternative vaccine schedule (spreading the immunizations out over a period of time). This must be approved by a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO) and filed with our school office.
Is Calvin Christian a WASC accredited school?
The entire school, Kindergarten through 12th grade, is WASC accredited. Calvin has always received the maximum allowable years of accreditation and has been routinely praised by the WASC accreditation process for its outstanding academic programs and faith-based education.
What is Calvin's tuition payment policy?
During the month of August you will receive an email regarding tuition payment. Calvin Christian School utilizes Smart Tuition tuition management program for tuition payments. If you have any questions, please contact Donna Kallemeyn in the Business Office at (760) 489-4335.
If you are unable to make your payment in a timely fashion, you must contact the Business Office. If we do not receive your payment or hear from you concerning your payment, the finance committee will review your status. If necessary they will notify the board and consider the possible dismissal of your child(ren) until the account is made current.
Parents having a child in school during any portion of a semester will be charged for the entire quarter the student is in attendance. Appeals for exceptional reasons may be made to the Finance Committee.
How does Calvin communicate about upcoming events, volunteer opportunities or other news?
The CCS Crusader Connection is a valuable resouce for information about upcoming events, news and other information about the school. Parents of Upper School students are able to check the status of grades, assignments, and tests here as well.
The CCS website is a quick stop to check the calendar as well as upcoming events.
On the first school day of each week, the Monday Bulletin is shared to the school community. For students in the Early Childhood Education and Elementary programs, a hard copy of the Monday Bulletin is sent home with the oldest ECE-Elementary aged child. This helpful document is also posted to Parent Central on the CCS website as well as the Crusader Connection parent portal. Included in the Monday Bulletin will be a listing of all of the activities, sporting events, and meetings for the week. It will also notify our families of any special needs within the school community.
Junior High students will receive a Junior High Monday Monitor on a weekly basis. It will list any tests, project due dates and field trips planned for the JH during that week. The Monday Monitor is also available in the Crusader Connection for parents and students.
Email is an essential part of our communication to parents. A weekly “Calvin News” email is sent to the parent community. This email contains information about important topics, upcoming events and school highlights.
Our annual school magazine, the “Cord”, is distributed to the community each fall.
Does Calvin Christian have a bus program?
Currently there is not a bus route for Calvin students. Transportation, however, is available for co-curricular activities, extra-curricular activities and field trips throughout the school year. Calvin is always available to help coordinate car-pool arrangements for families in need of transportation. Please contact either office with any questions or assistance you might need.
Do students at Calvin Christian wear uniforms?
No, students do not wear uniforms. The school does have a standard dress code for grades K-12.
Does Calvin offer any type of student insurance?
Calvin has youth accident insurance for student sponsored events. This is secondary insurance only.
Do we have to call in if our student(s) is going to be absent?
YES! Please call the school office by 9:00 a.m. if your student is absent due to sickness. If you wish to schedule a Prearranged Absence, stop in the appropriate office for the necessary form. The completed form should be in the office 48 hours prior to the date of the prearranged absence. Please read the handbook for newly revised, detailed information regarding Excused, Prearranged, and Unexcused Absences. An electronic version of the handbook can be found on the Parent Central page.
When can we meet our student's teacher?
We have scheduled a “Back To School Night” in the beginning of September. You are welcome and encouraged to come to school at that time and meet the teachers. They will explain the classroom policies and plans to you. This is not the time to meet with the teachers to discuss concerns you have about your student specifically. Please make arrangements with the individual teacher(s) if you need to discuss a specific concern.
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October. The first quarter of school will be completed and this is an opportunity you will have to review your student’s progress with the teacher. Watch for the conference schedules for grades K – 5. The Junior High and High School conferences occur in an open-house style format in the Heritage Center.
What is SCRIP and why would I want to buy it?
SCRIP is a great way to earn money for the school and earn tuition credit for yourself. SCRIP is similar to gift certificates and can be used like cash and all coupons and club membership discounts still can be used. The school is able to purchase these certificates at a discounted rate and therefore earn money. You can earn 2% credit for every dollar you spend on SCRIP. We currently stock scrip for a variety of stores such as Stater Brothers, Jimbo’s, Smart & Final, Vons, Applebee’s, Baskin Robbins, Burger King, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Macy’s, See’s Candy, and Family Christian Book.
Does Calvin Christian have the resources to accommodate students with special needs or learning disabilities?

Calvin has a full time faculty member dedicated to providing assistance to students who might require extra academic support. We also accommodate students who are physically challenged according to federal guidelines.
The PLACE Services program — Planning Loving Advocacy for Christ-centered Education — functions as a significant part of fulfilling our school mission: “The mission of Calvin Christian School, in cooperation with the home and church, is to teach the whole child from a biblical worldview, founded in the Reformation, providing children from Christian families with an excellent education for a life of Christ-centered service”. As Christian educators, it is our goal to educate all of God’s children in such a way that all can benefit from a Christian education. Calvin Christian is an extension of the Christian family and our campus reflects all the gifts and abilities of our families. Our PLACE Services program is designed to give parents a better understanding of how Calvin Christian can meet the needs of their whole family, including their individual students’ specific learning needs.