The calendar has turned to another new year (Doesn’t it seem we just had Y2K?) and the school year is half over. It is hard to believe.
At this time of the school year we are already busy looking forward to next school year. Budgets are being worked on, enrollment projections and targets are being developed, and plans are being put into place for staffing, along with a number of things that always need to happen.
With that, it is not too early to think about your plans for next year. Next month pre-enrollment forms will be sent home. We always want to accommodate our current Calvin students first. So it really helps us if you turn those enrollment forms in as soon as possible. The new tuition aid application will be available online in early February. That too, is something to get done as early as possible.
Meanwhile continue to encourage your friends and fellow church members to consider Calvin Christian for their children’s education. We know that your referral of another family is the best indicator of the success of the family that’s new to Calvin. Cindi Glossop, Director of Enrollment, is already giving tours, accepting applications, and setting up family interviews for next year.
Please continue to keep Calvin in your prayers. As we plan for next year, specifically, please pray for God to convict people that their children will grow academically and spiritually by attending Calvin. And, that Calvin Christian continues to be the Christian school that connects faith and learning for its students every day.