Welcome to the the Tech Catapult, designed to catapult you into the technology age in Crusader fashion! I’m Mr. Steenstra, the Director of Technology, and I will be writing a short blog about technology a couple of times per month throughout the school year.
Today I’d like to tell you about the #DeviceFreeDinner Challenge. The idea is simple – just agree not to use your devices at the dinner table. Everyone knows that devices like smartphones and video games are reducing personal interaction, and this is one small way to combat that in your family. As stated in this common sense media article, “research shows that dinner-table conversions lead to healthier, happy kids”, and “92 percent of parents think quality conversations at dinnertime matter for connecting with their kids, yet 58 percent are concerned that devices are cutting into those conversations.” Instead, use that time to converse with your children, and for prayer and devotions.
Please feel free to contact me with any technology-related questions, including questions about the Chromebooks. JH & HS parents, please remind your students to charge their Chromebooks every night and to bring them to school every school day.