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Elementary Christmas Movie Night

Calling all K-5 Calvin students! Put on your coziest jammies, grab your favorite blanket or lovey and head on over to the Heritage Center for the ultimate Christmas Movie Night!...

K-12 Christmas Choral Concert

Join us in the Heritage Center - doors open 15 mintues prior. The Music Boosters will be selling baked goods in the Music Room.

K-12 Christmas Choral Concert

Join us in the Heritage Center - doors open 15 mintues prior. The Music Boosters will be selling baked goods in the Music Room.

Blood Drive

In 3rd grade science, we focus on the circulatory and respiratory systems in the month of February. The 3rd graders learn the basic mechanics of those systems and ways to...

CCS Fine Arts Festival

For all students in 5th-8th grade. Location: CCS Upper School  

Fine Arts Festival

The annual Fine Arts Festival, for students in grades 5-8, will be located on the Upper School campus.   DOWNLOAD SCHEDULE