The new kindergartners admit they are excited, the 5th graders and 8th graders look forward to being the oldest on their respective campus’, the 6th and 9th graders are nervous about being the youngest as they move to their new campus’ (although they probably won’t admit it), and the seniors, after thirteen years or more in school, are finally at the top of the heap.
All this is just a part of the start of a new school year. More importantly we start a new year of educating Christianly at Calvin. Our school theme this year is “Let All Creation Praise Him.” It is taken from Psalm 150:6, “all that have breath praise the Lord.” It is a great theme for us at Calvin. Each day teachers show, in various subjects, how the Lord is God of all creation. They talk with students about how creation itself reveals God to them and that all God created, including language, writing, mathematics, music, etc. was created by Him for His praise. How important it is that we learn about ALL of His creation from Christian teachers.
Welcome back! Preparations are complete and it is time to begin again this critical task. Please keep each other, the faculty, and most importantly the students, in your prayers.