TheTech Catapult: Inappropriate Internet Content
Welcome to the the Tech Catapult, designed to catapult you into the technology age in Crusader fashion!
Chances are your sons and daughters are spending a lot of time on the Internet these days. They may be doing their homework, edifying research or participating in positive communication via social media. But they might also be accessing inappropriate content. There’s plenty of it out there.
Here are some signs they might be accessing inappropriate content (source:
- Your child quickly changes the computer screen, or turns off the computer when you come in the room.
- You find that the Internet ‘history’, and/or ‘cookies’ are deleted after your child has used the computer (in attempt to erase the ‘trail’).
- Your child spends a great deal of time online, especially early in the morning and at night.
One of the best things you can do is pay attention to what they are doing. Spend time with them on the Internet. Ask questions about what they are doing. Try to understand how they are using it. A few more suggestions:
- Install an Internet filter and/or monitoring system. We recommend using OpenDNS ( because it’s free, easy to set up, and filters/monitors every device on your network. Some Calvin parents are also using and recommending “circle” by Disney (
- Require your children to use their devices in high traffic areas. Do not allow them to use them in their bedrooms, especially at night.
- Require your children to give your their logon usernames and passwords for their social media and other Internet accounts. Sit down with them and logon to their account yourself as they watch.
We live in a fallen world, and need to be on our guard against evil. As Jesus says in Matthew 10:16, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”
Stay tuned for another Tech Catapult blog in a few more weeks.
In Christ,
Mr. Mark Steenstra