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Perspective From The Interim Principal

By April 25, 2014December 14th, 2020Faith & Learning

We are nearing the end of another school year and it has been a good one. This is my 42nd year in the role of an administrator at a Christian School, with the last four years serving as an interim. My year at Calvin Christian has been a very positive experience.  This is a fine school with a strong tradition of support, from what is now several generations of parents who have supported the school since its beginning in 1961.  I would say that those who were here at the beginning would praise God for how far it has come and how well it has adapted to an ever changing societal culture. 

At their beginning, most schools like Calvin Christian had been primarily attended by folks who attended churches of a Reformed persuasion. I remember when I attended a Christian school in Montana, many years ago, a student from a non-reformed church enrolled. This was a significant event at the time, and to some folks at that time, it was worrisome.  Recently, I was able to serve as the interim Superintendent at that very school I attended years ago. That school now has a wide variety of denominations represented throughout the school community.

Calvin Christian has a similar history of change and adaptation.  The key standard that Calvin has, and one that must be maintained, is who we are.  Who we are can be found in our mission statement in that our mission is “…in cooperation with the home and church, is to teach the whole child from a Biblical worldview…”  From my perspective this has kept Calvin Christian on the right path and will help it stay on that path for the future.  We should never apologize for who we are, but be confident in our Christian heritage, now and in the future.'

Author CJ Halloran

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