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Parent-Teacher Conferences Again? Why?

By October 9, 2012December 14th, 2020Faith & Learning

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Are you ready for the annual parent-teacher conferences that are planned for November 1 & 2?  Although a lot of communication occurs between home and school through a variety of mediums, we still have the regularly scheduled parent-teacher conferences on our calendar.  In a world of instant communication, parents sometimes wonder why we still hold these conferences.  Following are a couple of items to keep in mind as we approach these face-to-face meetings:

Why do we still have parent teacher conferences when we have so many other ways to communicate?

The best way to have a conversation regarding something important is by meeting face-to-face.  And, what could be more important than your child’s education?  Meeting face-to-face with your child’s teacher in your child’s classroom should help both you and the teacher.  We all know that seeing, as well as hearing someone speak with us gives us a better picture of what they are trying to say.  Body language is an important aspect of communication.

What kinds of things should you as a parent ask about your child at a parent teacher conference?

  When our kids were growing up and my wife and I attended parent-teacher conferences, we always wanted to know about more than academic progress.  We could see their grades on the report cards but my wife and I often asked how hard they were working and if they were doing their best.  We got the teacher’s insight into their spiritual and social maturity.  Were they growing in these areas as well as academics?  Getting wisdom from another Christian adult who is around your child more than anyone else besides you can be a very helpful activity.  Often we heard positive things that we didn’t always see at home.  At other times we found out that our child might act differently at school in that larger social setting than they did at home.  And sometimes it wasn’t always positive.  We wanted to know that.

So, I want to encourage you to not only attend your child’s parent-teacher conference but also to come with some questions and listen to the answers and insights you’re given.  Your child’s teacher cares about your children and sees them a lot.  You may both be able to help one another in this important task we share of raising your child in the love and knowledge of the Lord.'

Author CJ Halloran

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