The power is back on and I am sitting at my computer. I realize again how much we depend on technology. When the power suddenly went off on Thursday afternoon we were pretty helpless around school as I am sure you were at home. " In Light Of " the power outage I thought I would take the opputunity to talk about our Emergency Preparedness Plan.
We have an Emergency Plan in place that tries to cover the many things that could affect Calvin Christian. This includes plans for earthquakes, intruders, school cancellations, tragedies within our community, etc. With the understanding that your children are the most precious things in your life and, taking our responsibility for their safety while in our care seriously, this is important.
One of the features of the plan is that we have a phone tree. The phone tree allows us to call every parent within 45 minutes. As happened Thursday you might get called about a school cancellation, however there are other emergencies when we might use the calling system. We have used it three times in the last eight years to cancel school. A timely reminder is that we will call you. That allows school lines to stay open in emergencies.
Although the unique problems created by the power outage did not allow all phones to work, we were able to contact just about everyone to let them know school was cancelled. We continue to work on better ways to communicate including the use of social media.
Hopefully the lights will stay on the rest of the year.