In 3rd grade science, we focus on the circulatory and respiratory systems in the month of February. The 3rd graders learn the basic mechanics of those systems and ways to protect our bodies. We are in awe of the intricacies that our Creator God has made and we know that he upholds our daily lives. As part of this unit of study, we learn that donating blood to those in need is a way that we can serve the community and help others. Even though 3rd graders are too young to donate, we want to use this opportunity to encourage the CCS community of adults to donate to our local hospitals.
We are hosting a mobile blood drive on Thursday, February 6 from 12:30-5:30pm in our elementary/EURC parking lot. It is by appointment only, so be sure to schedule a time through this link. We are excited to support the efforts of the San Diego Blood Bank and save lives. Thank you for helping us!