Serving as president of the Calvin Christian Service Group this school year has been a great honor and very gratifying. The many volunteers that help keep this group going has been such a huge support to me and CCS. It is absolutely amazing what continues to be accomplished each and every year for the school within this group. The people I have met and worked with are so committed to serving God, families, and this school.
Our accomplishments this year have been many and include multiple fundraisers, room moms and lunch duty supervision, moms-in-prayer, staff and teacher appreciation festivities, an all school ice skating party, year-book, sunshine committee, used book fair, a community pancake breakfast, providing food and refreshments for various school related events and Service Group meetings, and best of all, the Dutch Festival! We are excited to report that we raised close to $80,000 for the school kitchen remodel.
As this school year comes to a close I want to give everybody who stepped in to serve, in various ways, a big THANK YOU! None of these things could have been accomplished without you.