Every other year, our 7th and 8th grade students have the opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. during Spring Break. One of our current 8th graders shared her experience about the fun and educational trip.
“This trip was a great experience for me. We went to a lot of memorials, visited Capitol Hill, and visited some museums. My favorite part of the trip was when we went to the Lincoln Memorial. It was so amazing. We walked around the back and the view was beautiful. We also stood where Martin Luther King Jr. stood to say his “ I have a Dream” speech. My second favorite memorial was the FDR memorial. There were a lot of quotes on the walls we passed. My favorite quote was “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”
My favorite museum was the Newseum which was a museum about news. When we went inside the first thing that caught my eye was a huge wall. It was part of the Berlin wall. It had a lot of paintings on it. Another thing that I saw in this museum was a piece of one of the towers from 9/11. It was a huge piece of steel and there were some quotes around the piece of metal.
We also visited Capitol Hill where we met Duncan Hunter’s aid. He taught us a lot about the bills that were being passed and how they were passed. Before that visit I had never known that it takes quite some time to pass a bill. The Washington D.C. trip was really fun. It was really nice to get to know some of the students at Calvin Christian better."