Every loving Christian parent, from the time their child is born, lovingly advocates for their child in the beautiful context of a Christ-centered home. As parents, we become students of our own children to know their needs, teach them character-forming lessons, plan rich experiences, and so much more. Most importantly, we teach them what the Bible says about who God is, who they are in relation to God and their deep need for Jesus, their Savior.
Every image bearer is absolutely unique and wonderfully complex. So just like Christian moms and dads, at Calvin we long to thoughtfully and carefully plan ways we can lovingly advocate for each child, to help him/her experience the most robust Christ-centered education. The acronym for our PLACE services at Calvin Christian School came from that sentence — i.e. Planning Loving Advocacy for Christ-centered Education. These “services” are formally in their third year of development at CCS, and still developing. Again, they exist as an extension of the very desires all Christian parents have for their children. Our PLACE services help us faithfully fulfill our mission – partnering with Christian families.
In truly miraculous ways, in just two short years of seeing the PLACE services take shape, we have witnessed how God is helping us fulfill the powerful and daunting words Jesus spoke in John 13:34-35
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
As believers, God has given us His Spirit to change our hearts to “see” one another the way He sees us, and to love one another the way He loves us. Thank you for your prayers for His provision to allow us to continue developing needed PLACE services, in His time.